CSS Examples
Generated Content in CSS2
Author: CSS Drive
CSS2 supports the insertion of generated content, which is content that's specified using your style sheet and applied dynamically to the page according to your CSS definition. This is accomplished using the ":before" and ":after" pseudo-classes, which denotes whether the content should be added before or after the element in question. You can insert regular "string" content or an embedded object (ie: an image). CSS2's Generated Content is supported in Mozilla/Firefox and Opera 7, though not IE 6.
The word "Chapter:" in each of the headers below are dynamically generated using CSS2:
The music icon image next to the midi links are dynamically added as well:
CSS DriveMusic1.mid
The CSS:
content: "Chapter: ";
content: url(icon.gif);
<p><b>The word "Chapter:" in each of the headers below are
dynamically generated using CSS2:</b></p>
<p><b>The music icon image next to the midi links are dynamically added as
<a href="http://www.cssdrive.com">CSS Drive</a><br />
<a href="music1.mid" class="music">Music1.mid</a><br />
<a href="music2.mid" class="music">Music2.mid</a><br />
Comments (25)
What's with the IE incompatibility ? I think this should work with all "state of the art browsers"
Why doesn't this work for me? What am I doing wrong? ontwikkeling
hey it's not working with IE7 !? what can i do ? seo in iasi
hi very thanks
Wow! CSS is getting closer to PHP all the time. The only time I ever used php was to modify an autogenerated page with formating and other stuff (like adding tracking) Now all css needs is a way to find any text on the page and insert stuff :before and :after :)